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The Importance of Holiday Traditions

With Thanksgiving behind us and Christmas right around the corner, I thought it only right to talk about holiday traditions. Do you have any? Do you keep the same ones each year or do they tend to change from year to year?
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I personally have a huge family. A family that is loving and supportive, but besides holding the same family parties every year, we are kind of lacking in Holiday Traditions. Because of this, I wanted to be sure to have a few traditions each year once I became a mom myself. Although, traditions can be among friends, co-workers, couples or even your neighbors.

Why are family traditions or traditions in general important you ask? Below are 4 reasons traditions are important:
Traditions are Constant – We live in a fast-paced world with technology. We have busy and ever-changing daily lives. This can be stressful and hard to keep up with and before we know 5 years have passed and we aren’t sure where the time has gone. This is where traditions come in because they can be a constant in your life, even if nothing else is. Traditions can give you a chance to slow down, be thankful, remember why, etc. As people, money and things go in and out of our lives, traditions will stay, if you keep them alive.
Traditions Give you Hope – Having traditions gives you something to look forward to certain times of the year, giving you hope. For example, for the last couple of years, we host Christmas at our house with my brother, his family and my parents. It is a recently new tradition but one I look forward to each year. We set up a cookie or gingerbread making station for the kids, us adults always have a signature drink and amazing appetizers to enjoy. It is a time that brings us all together, making our connection just that much stronger.
Traditions are Enjoyable – I mean if they weren’t enjoyable, why would you do them over and over again? Traditions can be any time of year, they just tend to be more plentiful during the holidays. Traditions usually spark togetherness, laughter, and peace between you and your loved ones. When my son was born, we started the tradition of going to our local downtown tree lighting and Santa arrival. This year will be our 5th year taking him there to see Santa. We so enjoy seeing him and now his little sister light up when they see the tree and Santa. This is a tradition I hope to keep as long as possible.
Traditions Keep us Grounded – Traditions are a great way for you and your loved ones to stay grounded. No matter what life brings you, it is something you always have. For example, let’s say you have an ugly sweater party every year with your close group of friends; if you and your friends become uber-successful, does that mean you won’t do the party anymore? No, it is a tradition and one you can all enjoy, no matter where life takes you. Maybe you’ll just have better wine and appetizers that year…bonus!


I’d love to hear about your family traditions, no matter how big or small. Comment here or on any of my social media channels. If you haven’t started any traditions yet, maybe this is the year to start!
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  • melissa

    I would have to agree Traditions are everything and keep us grounded, I am looking forward to starting my own traditions with my little family now. Thank you so much for this!

  • Christine Turner

    I love the holidays and it seems like everyone is always in such a rush, but for me it’s the time I rush the least. There is nothing I love more than to finally sit down with family and talk and catch up and take pictures.

    • momwifefitnesslife

      Christine, you are so right. We are all in a rush far too often. We need to cherish these times! Happy Holidays!

  • Followingtherivera

    Ah, you’re so right about traditions. I don’t have kids, but it would be nice to pass some on to them when I do! I’m just looking forward to eating at Christmas!

    • momwifefitnesslife

      Eating great food for the holidays is a great tradition! Just remember to get moving so you are burning those calories. I’ll be posting more quick workouts for the Holiday Season soon!

  • Mama Writes Reviews

    Holiday traditions are so much fun! We’re still trying to figure ours out though since we have young kids.

    • momwifefitnesslife

      It’s always so fun trying to decide what traditions you’ll do. Such fun memories to make with your kiddos!

  • Karen

    This is the first year our family is in our own home. One of the traditions we started was putting up the tree together and watching Christmas movies. Another favorite is we each get a new ornament every year for our tree.

    • momwifefitnesslife

      I love these! Great traditions. We moved into our home two years ago, 4 days before Christmas and still had a Christmas Eve party here, the tradition continues now. Enjoy your holidays!

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