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2018 Goal Setting

Yep, it is that time again. Everyone around you is probably talking about their New Year’s resolutions, goals and what they have in store for the year ahead! I don’t actually like the word Resolution, that is why I’ve chose Goal instead.
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Resolution vs. Goal

A resolution, simply put, are changes one wants to make to their life. A goal is more specific and can be something new, the desired result one is trying to attain. No matter what we call it, the matter still remains that only 8 percent of people actually reach their New Year’s Resolutions. Let’s beat the odds people!

My 2018 Goals

I figured I would share with you, some of my 2018 goals in hopes that sharing with others will help me hold myself accountable. I encourage you to do the same. Comment in this post or on any of my social media channels with your 2018 Goals or Resolutions.
Mom Life  – it is my hope in 2018 to be a better mom. It is not good enough to just use a blanket statement to achieve that. Specifically, I want to spend more quality time with my children, be more present in the moment and plan activities each month specifically for them. Part of this goal is to put down my computer, phone or device when it is their time. It is so easy to get caught up in all the housework and my work stuff that I lose track of the time I have with my kids. In short, I need to FOCUS on my children and be diligent with the time I have with them.
Wife Life – it is easy to get caught up in your daily errands, work and kids that we forget about our spouse. I too am guilty of this. One of my goals for 2018 is to be more INTENTIONAL about my marriage and doing things for my husband. More specifically, I want to bring back date nights at least twice a month. We used to do these and alternate planning the dates for one another…a great tradition I want to get back to.

Fitness Life – no matter how much I love fitness, I still struggle to fit it all in. I do my best when I schedule my time. This year I want to workout at least 6 days per week and 7 days when I can. This doesn’t mean each day has to be a 2 hr workout, a 20-minute HIIT workout is just as effective. I want to FOCUS on my body and treat it well. This means fueling it with healthy food 90% of the time and working out daily. Whos with me?

Failure is Not an Option

Don’t be part of that 92% of people who fail with their New Year’s Resolutions or Goals. Set clear, measurable and attainable Goals this year. Notice I have two main words that sum up my goals, FOCUS and INTENTIONAL. Give yourself one or two words to help you this year. Giving up, shouldn’t be an option. Being a better, mom, wife and fitness enthusiast is important to me. What is important to you?

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