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FITNESS FRIDAY: Finding Motivation

Fitness Friday

Yay! It is Friday and that means its a day to focus on Fitness. It is a day I like to regroup, reflect on the past week so I can learn and grow within my own fitness journey. On Friday’s I may try a new workout, buy myself some new workout gear or simply set new goals. Fridays are important to me and as you read through this post, you’ll understand why.
(Disclaimer: This website is a source of income. Affiliate links are used throughout this website and post, and compensation may be received from those links and recommended products.)

My Why

Before we jump into the topic of motivation, lets first discuss your Why. For me, my Why is simple…I want to be the best mom, wife, and friend that I can be. You may be asking yourself, what do Fitness and Motivation have to do with that? I feel my best when I workout regularly. It is a known fact that working out releases endorphins, which increases mood and energy levels. I personally need that “me” time to hit the reset button, each time becoming a better mom, wife, and friend. The way I like to explain it is that, I can’t be my best me or the person I need to be to all my loved ones if I don’t first take care of myself. So, again, in short, my Why is my family, my husband, and my friends. They are what motivate me each day.

Finding Motivation

As we just discussed, the first part of finding your motivation is by first understanding your Why. Everyone’s Why may be different and it can change from time-to-time. The ultimate reason why you workout should be your Why. Besides my main Why, I too like the results I see when I workout regularly. I like seeing the scale drop or being able to fit into a smaller pant size. This is what motivates me to not just workout regularly, but to push harder during each workout. Another great way to keep motivated is to set monthly goals for yourself and to tell someone these goals to hold yourself accountable. It will help you find MOTIVATION and keep MOTIVATED.

Choosing Workouts

When you decide to jump into working out, you need to choose workouts you enjoy and ones you’ll stick with. It doesn’t make any sense to choose a workout that is too hard or not right for your body at your current fitness level. You’ll never stick with it and just be in the same place you started. I recommend doing the Beachbody On Demand program. You can start with a monthly membership and cancel at any time. It is a great way to try a bunch of workouts or move back and forth between a couple of them. Plus, a huge bonus, is that you can truly workout anywhere on your mobile devices.


KNOW YOUR WHY – really think about why you want to workout, the true reason, the reason that will make you get up in the morning and keep going.
CHOOSE THE RIGHT WORKOUT – try the new Beachbody on Demand to figure out what workouts are best for you. A great way to find the workouts that are for your current fitness level and the ability to move up to the next level when you are ready.
PUSH HARDER – Set goals for yourself and let someone else know your goals so they can help hold you accountable. This is an important step to stay motivated.
HAVE FUN – living a healthy lifestyle should be enjoyable. If it isn’t, then you need to rethink your approach. It should make you feel better about yourself, not the opposite.
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