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FREE Fitness eBook!

As I was thinking about what to post today, I really started to look within and realized that I needed a little fitness motivation. I have truly enjoyed these past few weeks of summer and have gotten a bit lazy with my food prep and workouts. By lazy, I simply mean that I haven’t been as intentional nor have I pushed as hard as I normally do. Life is life though and it is ok to take a step back sometimes, indulge if you choose to. Remember your goal should be to live a healthy lifestyle that is balanced, not jump from fad diet to fad workout, etc.


(The links in this post contain affiliate links at no cost to you. I may receive a small commission if you make a purchase after clicking on my links.)


So what did I do? I decided to go back and read my own mini-ebook for motivation (and of course to check some grammatical errors). Well, it worked, I already got the Beachbody Turbofire Lower 2o workout in and plan to do the Turbofire Upper 2o when the kiddos nap this afternoon. It is funny how one little book and some simple motivation can jumpstart your mood and overall fitness journey.


I encourage you to go get my FREE eBook and jumpstart your own fitness journey. I’d also love to hear from you; your fitness struggles, success stories, and daily thoughts. Feel free to contact me on any of my social media channels or by email.




I wish you the best in your fitness journey!

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