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3 Reasons the Direct Selling Industry is the right choice…

Though I prefer the term Social Selling, Direct Selling as it is normally referred to is a global industry that helps support billions. Direct selling has its pros and cons, but for the right person, it is very attractive for many reasons. Are you the right person? Read the reasons below that I feel are most important to know before deciding…

Friendship & Community

Unfortunately, so many of us have been more isolated & alone than ever. For some people without a family that lives close, social media has been the only way they can connect with others. I personally am lucky to have a lot of family close, however, some of my best friends live in other states. Also, as a stay-at-home mom, I simply need more adult interaction because most of my days are filled with conversations with small children.

The Direct Selling Industry has given women & men more community & friendship than they have ever had before. You see, when you join a direct sales company, you are indeed joining a new community of like-minded people who all have the belief in the same product or service.

When I joined ZYIA, I had no idea the Community I’d be gaining. It truly has been unlike any other I’ve ever been apart of. In-fact, ZYIA stands on 4 main pillars; Uplift, Activity, Light & Community! This community has brought me so many friendships, so much uplifting support, motivation to do more & has given me more confidence in myself. This is the Community I never new I needed and now never want to be without

Flexible Schedule & Being Your Own Boss

When people are looking for a job, a flexible schedule is always in the back of their mind as something they wish they could have. However, in most jobs, that is not realistic. With the direct selling industry, you indeed are your own boss and therefore can pick your own schedule.

After having my daughter when my first child was already 3.5, I knew I wanted a change from my 50+ hr a week Marketing Executive job. The first thing that came to mind was starting my own business, so I did. I first started by building my Mom Wife Fitness Life Brand, creating content & creating a community. After that, I knew I needed more and that is when I found Zyia Active. Zyia Active’s mission & pillars aligned with exactly what I wanted to bring to my community, not to mention their products are AMAZING! So in November 2018, I joined ZYIA Active, and besides my husband & children, it is one of the best decisions to date!

Show Me the Money!

Well of course Money plays a factor in why people join the direct sales industry! If people say it isn’t a factor for them, they are lying. It may not be their first reason, but it is a reason! The nice thing about the direct sales industry is that, for the most part, you can dictate how much money you make by hard you work. I love that I get to be home with my kids, that I get to be there for all their games, appointments, playdates & school activities. If you remember, this was the reason I gave above for quitting my professional career after my daughter was born.

In my first full year with ZYIA, I made a decent amount each month, but I hadn’t dived all in yet and was still learning a ton. In my second full year with ZYIA, I quadrupled that first year’s amount, and this year I am aiming to at least double that. You can make REAL money in this industry as long as you don’t treat it like a “side hustle” and instead treat it like a job you are getting paid to do.

Why People Fail & Why They Didn’t Have to…

If you have tried other companies and failed, it is most likely because of one of two reasons. Let’s get real and talk about that for a moment…

The first reason most people fail is that they started for the wrong reasons and aren’t really passionate about the product or service they are offering. You need to LOVE the company & what you are offering to others. The second reason is, if you are really being honest with yourself, you treated it like a “side hustle” and not a job. The fact is that a “side hustle” will always pay like a “side hustle.” With that said if you are only looking to make $200 – $1,000 a month, then by all means stay where you are at. But, if you are looking to make real, life-changing money, and love Activewear, let’s chat. I am now in the top 1% of 70.000 Reps at ZYIA Active and feel I can help you get there too, or at least help you decide if it is even something that is right for you.


After reading the above post, do you have more questions or do you think the direct sales industry is something that may be right for you? Let me help answer those questions for you. This week, I have an EXCLUSIVE Event I can bring you to. It is called Us.Unlimited and I only have 3 tickets. This event is put on by the Us.Unlimted company & 6 various ZYIA Reps from all different backgrounds. They will tackle the most commonly asked questions LIVE & completely candidly. Watch the Trailer Video below about the event… Do you think you may want one of those spots to learn more about the direct selling industry or ZYIA Active? Message me, let’s figure it out together.

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