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A Daily Fitness Routine for Busy Moms

Making Time for Self-Care

With Mother’s Day coming up soon…I wanted to focus my fitness routines around moms too…
Let’s face it, as a mom, we tend to put everything and everyone else first. I’m here to remind you to make sure you are filling your cup first, or there will be nothing left for your family & friends.

(Disclaimer: This website is a source of income. Affiliate links are used throughout this website and post, and compensation may be received from those links and recommended products. Though income may be earned, the opinions are my own and I only recommend products I’ve used and/or believe in.)

The Plan

We’ve already established that moms are busy, so having a plan in place for a successful fitness routine is vital. Because each mom may be at a different fitness level, know that the below routines can be customized to fit your specific needs.  There are always modifications that can be used as well as many ways to increase the difficulty level so you get the most out of your workout and time you’ve dedicated to it.

To be successful, I’ll ask you to map out the days you want to work out on a calendar like the Fitlosophy Fitbook. I love this because it is not only a calendar but also a planner & tracker. If you don’t want to invest the $15, a simple blank word printable calendar will do. THESE workouts can all be done in 45 minutes or less and in 25 minutes or less if you do cardio separately.

3 Things

There are three main areas that make up this routine on a weekly basis; cardio, weight training, and fueling your body. Focus on these three things and you’ll do just fine. Simply put if you workout without eating right, you will not see the results that you desire, nor will you have the energy to have meaningful workouts. Along with these three things, I’ll ask you to really focus during the time you’ve carved out for yourself. To make these quick workouts meaningful, you’ll need to fully focus on each movement.

The Schedule & Workouts

This routine is one I created especially for moms who want to get toned or stay toned, shed some extra fat and overall feel healthy. It is not a bodybuilder routine for heavy lifters (not that there is anything wrong with that, just not what this particular routine is about). Each day(I recommend 5-6 days for best results), choose one of the below workouts + add cardio 3 times during the week. Be sure to pick each of the below workouts at least once per week for best results. I personally do the booty & ab one 2-3 times because it’s awesome!


Incorporate cardio into your workouts at least 3 times per week for 20-30 minutes. There are many ways you can do this, depending on the amount of time you have, you can do cardio alone or incorporate it into the below workouts. I personally do a little bit of both. Cardio can be completed in so many ways so there shouldn’t be any excuses; a brisk walk or jog, elliptical machine, treadmill, stationary bike, swimming laps, jumping jacks, stair work, playing sports, etc. Plus, you’ll see that workouts below, if completed quickly, have an element of cardio too…BONUS!

Workout 1: Upper Body & Abs













Workout 2: Booty & Abs















Workout 3: Full Body

Be Kind To Yourself

Friends, please remember that living a healthy lifestyle takes work. Change does not happen overnight, be patient and kind to yourself in the meantime. If you have any questions about these workouts, need modifications or simply would like to chat about your fitness journey, I’m happy to help.


In this post I didn’t discuss fueling your body, I’ll touch on that next week during my Fitness Friday post, stay tuned.

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