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Fitness and my workouts have always has been a huge part of my life. When I was younger, I played many sports. My favorite was always basketball. I also played volleyball, ran track and ran distance just for fun. At the age of 19, I broke my hip and pelvis in a jet-ski accident. Unfortunately, it resulted in many surgeries and a lot of physical therapy. In addition, the doctors said I would never run again. I wouldn’t settle for that and was determined to beat the odds. After I recuperated, I ran 2 marathons, 2 half marathons, and several 5ks. I’d say I have beaten the odds!


As I have gotten older, I still play basketball some and run, but I find that I really enjoy different types of workouts instead. On the weekend, it may be a hike with my family. During the week, I make sure I get to a couple of classes at the local YMCA and then the rest of the time I am doing workouts at home. This part of my page will be dedicated to sharing with you workouts I have done, workouts I have created myself and some basic tips on what may work for you. Don’t forget to subscribe to my page with your email so you can get a FREE copy of my Fitness Ebook!

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As a kid, I grew up in Northern Michigan, in a tiny subdivision with only a handful of houses at the time. Lots of room to roam, partially wooded &…

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BE HEALTHY I am an advocate of losing weight the right way, the healthy way. I am not about fads or lose weight quick diets. It’s important to be happy with…

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