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  • 6 Fitness Tips for a Healthy Life in 2021

    2020 was the year of all years! Am I right?!??! I think it was a year of learning and growth for so many as well. I know for me personally, it was a year of learning what is truly important…

  • Outdoor Fitness Routines

    Getting outside to get in your fitness routine is so much fun and I don’t know about you but where I live, we only get so many months out of the year where it is warm and sunny, so I…

  • Our New Normal

    COVID – 19 has changed so many lives over the last 6 months, but most recently it has changed ours locally. This post is not to talk about COVID-19, anything political or whether or not I agree with the actions…

  • January Outfit of the Day – Daily Deal

    So it’s January, you’ve started all your New Year’s Resolutions to get healthy & fit, but you have nothing to wear to the GYM. Sound familiar? I’ve decided to offer a Daily Deal, the ENTIRE MONTH of January. HOW DOES…

  • Resolutions vs. Goals

    The time is here, we’ve entered the New Year once again. Everyone is heading back to the gym, declaring all the things, but do you know how many people actually stick with a “Resolution” they create? The truth of the…

  • Start Your Very Own Activewear Business at Home

    Did you know the Athletic Wear Industry will reach over $83 Billion by this year! Don’t you want a piece of that? I know I did and that is why I started my very own Athletic Wear Business while staying…

  • Fitness After Injury

    An injury of any magnitude can be extremely humbling. As I am sure many of you can tell, I am a very active & independent individual. I spend my days outdoors, at the gym, running around with my kiddos, etc.…

  • Coping With Mom Guilt

    .What is Mom Guilt? As moms, we need to balance many things at once and be in more than one place at a time. The only way to do this is to let something else go, deciding what that’s going to…

  • A Moms Holiday Survivial Guide

    You Can NOT Do It All Thanksgiving is over and we are moving on into the thick of the Holiday Season: Christmas & New Years! During the holidays, things get chaotic and even stressful, especially for us Mama’s who try to…

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