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  • Pumpkin Flaxseed Protein Muffins

    THIS WEEKS FALL FIND This weeks’ find is AMAZING! A few weeks ago I found out you could bake with my favorite pancake and waffle mix, Kodiak Cakes! Then, just this week I found they make a Pumpkin Flaxseed mix…so…

  • 3 Things to Do with Left Over Halloween Candy

    So, it’s November 1st and the aftermath of Halloween is setting in. Your kids are probably tired and coming down from their sugar buzzes today…and you are now realizing they probably got way too much candy trick-or-treating last night. (The…

  • Mom, Wife & Fitness Approved Activewear

    Mom Wife Fitness Life Hi Friends! As many of you know from following my blog for the last year, I started Mom Wife Fitness Life because I am passionate about being a mom, wife and fitness enthusiast. My goal is…

  • Fitness Friday: Best Ways to Boost Your Energy Levels

    FEELING SLUGGISH? Ever wake up in the morning feeling sluggish or not motivated to get your workout in? Raise your hand, I know we’ve all been there. Most of the time there are two main causes for feeling this way;…

  • My Favorite Things: Fall Edition

    FALL IS MY FAVORITE TIME OF YEAR Let me just start by saying that Fall is my absolute favorite time of year. Don’t get me wrong, I love summer, going to the beach, being tan, etc. But I LOVE Fall!…

  • FITNESS FRIDAY: Finding Motivation

    Fitness Friday Yay! It is Friday and that means its a day to focus on Fitness. It is a day I like to regroup, reflect on the past week so I can learn and grow within my own fitness journey.…

  • FREE Fitness eBook!

    As I was thinking about what to post today, I really started to look within and realized that I needed a little fitness motivation. I have truly enjoyed these past few weeks of summer and have gotten a bit lazy…

  • Healthy Back to School Lunch Ideas

    Can you believe it? We are already almost half-way through August, where did the summer go?! Here in Michigan, we don’t go back until after Labor Day, but I know many schools around the county have already started and some…

  • FITNESS FRIDAY: Ab & Core Workout

    FITNESS FRIDAY Hi all, its that time again, yes it is Fitness Friday. Today’s topic hits home with so many of us women and moms. After having a baby or simply as we women get older, our core seems to…

  • Never Miss A Monday

    Monday Vibes So let’s be honest, Mondays are not always amazing. Most of us are exhausted from trying to fit too much into the weekend and then, of course, we try to get everything done on the first day of…

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