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Let me just put it as simply as possible…be nice! This should be a safe place for followers to come and discuss things going on in their lives. It is their right to give comments and feedback on posts with no judgment by others. This is not the type of blog for harsh comments and criticism. We need to ban together and be a team. Please be respectful of my opinions and other followers. I welcome and encourage thoughts and ideas from my followers and also understand we all come from different circumstances and walks of lives.


In order to protect the public against any misleading or harmful testimonials or endorsements, the Federal Trade Commission, in 2009, came up with a set of guidelines. Because this blog is a source of income, there may occasionally be testimonials and endorsements. I felt it was important to include such guidelines and inform you of the following:

  • This blog is a source of income for me and will be used to promote products, services or even other businesses.
  • I will only promote products I have either used myself, have done research on or products I am confident and truthfully believe in.
  • My readers/followers are my number one priority when it comes to this blog. I wouldn’t do anything to exploit or ruin that. You can trust me. I will always be truthful about products I am reviewing or promoting, no matter if I am partnered with them to do so.
  • Affiliate income is a part of my income and it may/may not be mentioned in such posts. I am a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites.

I hold myself to a very high standard and will always strive to deliver interesting, truthful and engaging content. My readers and followers are so important to me. It is my goal to be upfront and honest about everything I write.


My blog does not share personal information with any third parties, nor do I share or store information about your visit to my site via cookies. In fact, you can turn off the use of cookies in your browser settings at any time. I do use third-party advertising in order to serve you ads when you visit my site. These third-party advertisers can use your browsing data (not your name, phone number, email address, etc.) in order to serve you the best ads you’ll be interested in.
This privacy policy was last updated September 2017 and is subject to change without notice. If you have any questions about this privacy policy, comment police or disclosures, please feel free to contact me directly.


I love when my readers want to share content and even images! However, all images I post are owned by MomWifeFitnessLife, unless other credit is given. Please feel free to use any of my images, just be sure to link the image back to my original post. Pinning, Liking on Facebook and sharing on all social media is always welcomed and appreciated. Thank you.

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