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  • 5 Ways to Promote Weightloss

    BE HEALTHY I am an advocate of losing weight the right way, the healthy way. I am not about fads or lose weight quick diets. It’s important to be happy with yourself at each stage of your life. In my younger…

  • FREE Fitness eBook!

    As I was thinking about what to post today, I really started to look within and realized that I needed a little fitness motivation. I have truly enjoyed these past few weeks of summer and have gotten a bit lazy…

  • Get Rid of Holiday Bloat

    Feeling the Bloat? We all know the feeling after the Holidays…swollen, bloated, tired and even lethargic. Well, this is because we are what we eat. We all tend to indulge a little too much during the holidays; too much candy, too…

  • Reach Your Fitness Goals During the Holidays

    Every year around New Year’s the Gym membership go up and people begin to work out. They do this because they made poor choice after poor choice leading up to the Holiday season and then just figured I mine as…

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