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  • Spring Fitness To-Do List (Free Printable)

    I’ve seen a lot of bloggers posting about awesome things they are doing this Spring, a lot of those are fitness related as well as family friendly. It got me thinking, I need my very own list of things to…

  • Letting Kids be Kids: Life in the Country

    As a kid, I grew up in Northern Michigan, in a tiny subdivision with only a handful of houses at the time. Lots of room to roam, partially wooded & such a great place to grow up. With that said,…

  • The Importance of A Family Pet

    Our Dog Molly Our dog Molly Mae is 11 years old now. I bought her when I was 24 years old and it was before I started dating my husband (Shh…this means I’ll be 35 years old this year, yikes).…

  • Traveling With Kids – Tips for Survival

    Our Vacation So I have kind of been off the grid for the last two weeks…and that’s ok. Sometimes in life, we all need to unplug from time-to-time. We have been blessed enough to spend the last two weeks traveling,…

  • A Family Valentine's Day

    Valentine’s Day I love Valentine’s Day for what it reminds people of, not for all the Hallmark craziness! It is a holiday that reminds us all to love often, love more and to be with those we truly care about.…

  • Ways to Show Love in February

    Love Inspires With Valentine’s Day right around the corner, it has got me thinking about what products I really love and even more, which of those products make me think of or inspire love and why. February is the perfect…

  • Ways to Reduce Stress During the Holidays

    Holiday Stressors As much as most of us love the holidays, we also know it can be a very stressful time of year. Knowing this ahead of time is a good start to reducing the amount of stress between you…

  • The Importance of Holiday Traditions

    With Thanksgiving behind us and Christmas right around the corner, I thought it only right to talk about holiday traditions. Do you have any? Do you keep the same ones each year or do they tend to change from year…

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