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  • Spring Fitness To-Do List (Free Printable)

    I’ve seen a lot of bloggers posting about awesome things they are doing this Spring, a lot of those are fitness related as well as family friendly. It got me thinking, I need my very own list of things to…

  • Tips to Eat Healthy at Summer BBQ’s

    Who Doesn’t Love a Good Summer BBQ!? Summer in Northern Michigan is one of my favorite times of the year so any reason to get outside and enjoy our friends and family is just fine with me. Even though I love…

  • FITNESS FRIDAY: Finding Motivation

    Fitness Friday Yay! It is Friday and that means its a day to focus on Fitness. It is a day I like to regroup, reflect on the past week so I can learn and grow within my own fitness journey.…

  • Never Miss A Monday

    Monday Vibes So let’s be honest, Mondays are not always amazing. Most of us are exhausted from trying to fit too much into the weekend and then, of course, we try to get everything done on the first day of…

  • Fierce Leg & Booty Workout

    Ok ladies, today I have a fierce leg & booty workout for you. It can be done in 40 minutes or less and more importantly done from anywhere you are so no excuses! If you don’t have weights, bring along…

  • FITNESS FRIDAY: 15-Minute Cardio Workout

    WHAT IS FITNESS FRIDAY? You may be wondering, what is Fitness Friday? For me, Friday’s can be one of the hardest days to workout, with the exception of Monday. It just seems like I have a million things to do…

  • Tools to Kickstart Your Fitness Goals

    YOUR GOALS Let me start by saying everyone’s fitness goals are different, they should be and that is ok. Some people simply want to feel healthy, others want more muscle tone, some want to lose weight or inches. No matter your…

  • THE JOURNEY: Mom Wife Fitness Life

    Why Mom Wife Fitness Life? Today I wanted to talk briefly about what this platform is for and what it means to me. Mom Wife Fitness Life was created late 2017 and has just started to take off. I created…

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