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  • Spring Fitness To-Do List (Free Printable)

    I’ve seen a lot of bloggers posting about awesome things they are doing this Spring, a lot of those are fitness related as well as family friendly. It got me thinking, I need my very own list of things to…

  • Fitness After Injury

    An injury of any magnitude can be extremely humbling. As I am sure many of you can tell, I am a very active & independent individual. I spend my days outdoors, at the gym, running around with my kiddos, etc.…

  • Never Miss A Monday

    Monday Vibes So let’s be honest, Mondays are not always amazing. Most of us are exhausted from trying to fit too much into the weekend and then, of course, we try to get everything done on the first day of…


    FITNESS IS MORE THAN EXERCISING If I’ve learned one thing from my own fitness journey, it would be that there is more to fitness than just working out hard every day. Your body also needs to be fueled properly so…

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