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  • A Daily Fitness Routine for Busy Moms

    Making Time for Self-Care With Mother’s Day coming up soon…I wanted to focus my fitness routines around moms too…Let’s face it, as a mom, we tend to put everything and everyone else first. I’m here to remind you to make…

  • Wearing Activewear for a job? Yes Please!

    Getting to wear and share Activewear daily is basically a dream job, especially that I can do it from anywhere, all while living my life with my family! Read some of the many benefits below… Benefits of being a Zyia…

  • 6 Fitness Tips for a Healthy Life in 2021

    2020 was the year of all years! Am I right?!??! I think it was a year of learning and growth for so many as well. I know for me personally, it was a year of learning what is truly important…

  • FITNESS FRIDAY: 3 Tips To Get Bikini Ready

    FITNESS FRIDAY Hi all! Thank you for stopping by today to read this post. I mean who doesn’t want to be bikini ready this summer? These tips may even give you some results before you leave for Spring Break in…

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