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  • Tips to Eat Healthy at Summer BBQ’s

    Who Doesn’t Love a Good Summer BBQ!? Summer in Northern Michigan is one of my favorite times of the year so any reason to get outside and enjoy our friends and family is just fine with me. Even though I love…

  • A Moms Holiday Survivial Guide

    You Can NOT Do It All Thanksgiving is over and we are moving on into the thick of the Holiday Season: Christmas & New Years! During the holidays, things get chaotic and even stressful, especially for us Mama’s who try to…

  • Healthy Back to School Lunch Ideas

    Can you believe it? We are already almost half-way through August, where did the summer go?! Here in Michigan, we don’t go back until after Labor Day, but I know many schools around the county have already started and some…

  • 6 Common Carbs To Uncover Your Abs

    CARBS There is a common misunderstanding that all carbs are bad for you. Well, I am here to tell you that isn’t true and in fact, there are some carbs that can promote the reduction of belly fat. So, who…

  • Weekly Food Prep 101

    Make Life Easier Whether you work out of the home, are a stay-at-home mom or do a little of both, I’m sure it is safe to say your life is still crazy busy being a mom and wife. Make life…

  • Healthy Holiday Appitizers

    Only 15 Days Until Thanksgiving & 47 Days Until Christmas!  The holiday season is coming up fast. That means a lot of holiday parties and a lot of holiday food. Yikes! If you are like me, you are always wondering,…

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