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  • 6 Fitness Tips for a Healthy Life in 2021

    2020 was the year of all years! Am I right?!??! I think it was a year of learning and growth for so many as well. I know for me personally, it was a year of learning what is truly important…

  • January Outfit of the Day – Daily Deal

    So it’s January, you’ve started all your New Year’s Resolutions to get healthy & fit, but you have nothing to wear to the GYM. Sound familiar? I’ve decided to offer a Daily Deal, the ENTIRE MONTH of January. HOW DOES…

  • FREE Fitness eBook!

    As I was thinking about what to post today, I really started to look within and realized that I needed a little fitness motivation. I have truly enjoyed these past few weeks of summer and have gotten a bit lazy…

  • Never Miss A Monday

    Monday Vibes So let’s be honest, Mondays are not always amazing. Most of us are exhausted from trying to fit too much into the weekend and then, of course, we try to get everything done on the first day of…

  • FITNESS FRIDAY: Staying Fit While Pregnant

    No, I am not pregnant so let’s hope this post doesn’t start the rumor mill going. Though I am not pregnant, I very much believed in fitness while I was pregnant both times. I believe keeping active and fit during…


    FITNESS IS MORE THAN EXERCISING If I’ve learned one thing from my own fitness journey, it would be that there is more to fitness than just working out hard every day. Your body also needs to be fueled properly so…

  • Get Rid of Holiday Bloat

    Feeling the Bloat? We all know the feeling after the Holidays…swollen, bloated, tired and even lethargic. Well, this is because we are what we eat. We all tend to indulge a little too much during the holidays; too much candy, too…

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