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  • Letting Kids be Kids: Life in the Country

    As a kid, I grew up in Northern Michigan, in a tiny subdivision with only a handful of houses at the time. Lots of room to roam, partially wooded & such a great place to grow up. With that said,…

  • Healthy Back to School Lunch Ideas

    Can you believe it? We are already almost half-way through August, where did the summer go?! Here in Michigan, we don’t go back until after Labor Day, but I know many schools around the county have already started and some…

  • Mom Life: My Maternity Photo Shoot

    The ability to create and carry a human being in your belly has to be one of the best miracles in life. Not all people are blessed to do so and therefore it should be cherished. Let me tell you, though…

  • The Importance of Chores for Children

    ENTITLEMENT The current buzz going around is that our children are entitled, that they are not prepared for the real world and I am here to tell you, a lot of that buzz is true. For the last decade, there…

  • Prioritizing Mom Life with Everything Else

    Mom Life Being a mom has been the biggest blessing of my life. With that said, it can be really hard to balance mom life with being a wife, spending time with my husband, keeping up with housework, having time…

  • 5 Tips For Grocery Shopping With Kids

    Grocery Shopping With Kids This is a topic that all moms can share in. Grocery shopping with kids, if not handled correctly, can be a disaster! Am I right mamas!? However, with that said, grocery shopping with my kids has…

  • THE JOURNEY: Mom Wife Fitness Life

    Why Mom Wife Fitness Life? Today I wanted to talk briefly about what this platform is for and what it means to me. Mom Wife Fitness Life was created late 2017 and has just started to take off. I created…

  • My Favorite Things: Spring Edition

    SPRING IS ALMOST HERE I love Spring! Up until two days ago, I thought it was very near and then we were blessed with 6-8 inches of snow again! Yikes! Even so, being that it is March, I do know…

  • Traveling With Kids – Tips for Survival

    Our Vacation So I have kind of been off the grid for the last two weeks…and that’s ok. Sometimes in life, we all need to unplug from time-to-time. We have been blessed enough to spend the last two weeks traveling,…

  • Advice From A Sleep Deprived Mom

    Sleep Deprivation Is No Joke If you are a mom, you know what sleep deprivation is. Some parents are more sleep deprived than others, but at some point, as a parent, you experience the feeling. For me, with my first…

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