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  • Wearing Activewear for a job? Yes Please!

    Getting to wear and share Activewear daily is basically a dream job, especially that I can do it from anywhere, all while living my life with my family! Read some of the many benefits below… Benefits of being a Zyia…

  • Letting Kids be Kids: Life in the Country

    As a kid, I grew up in Northern Michigan, in a tiny subdivision with only a handful of houses at the time. Lots of room to roam, partially wooded & such a great place to grow up. With that said,…

  • A Moms Holiday Survivial Guide

    You Can NOT Do It All Thanksgiving is over and we are moving on into the thick of the Holiday Season: Christmas & New Years! During the holidays, things get chaotic and even stressful, especially for us Mama’s who try to…

  • Mom, Wife & Fitness Approved Activewear

    Mom Wife Fitness Life Hi Friends! As many of you know from following my blog for the last year, I started Mom Wife Fitness Life because I am passionate about being a mom, wife and fitness enthusiast. My goal is…

  • Mom Life: My Maternity Photo Shoot

    The ability to create and carry a human being in your belly has to be one of the best miracles in life. Not all people are blessed to do so and therefore it should be cherished. Let me tell you, though…

  • 6 Items Every New Mom Should Purchase

    Congratulations! First of all, congrats if you or someone you know is expecting or just had a new baby! There is no greater miracle in life! (The links in this post contain affiliate links at no cost to you. I…


    The moment has come, you’re finally a mother, but now what? The doctor doesn’t send home a manual on motherhood with you when you leave the hospital…so how do you survive on your own?! Don’t panic, being a mother, for…

  • THE JOURNEY: Mom Wife Fitness Life

    Why Mom Wife Fitness Life? Today I wanted to talk briefly about what this platform is for and what it means to me. Mom Wife Fitness Life was created late 2017 and has just started to take off. I created…

  • How I Got Out of My "Mom" Jeans

    Being a Mom is A Blessing There is no greater miracle in life than having a baby! I love being a mom and everything that comes with it, even the unwanted weight, unwanted blemishes, scars, etc. With that said, I…

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