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  • How to Properly Care for Your Activewear

    I am either dressed like I am going to the gym, or, I am actually going to the gym! Can anyone else relate to this? I love activewear and live in it! It is also one of the reasons I partnered…


    The moment has come, you’re finally a mother, but now what? The doctor doesn’t send home a manual on motherhood with you when you leave the hospital…so how do you survive on your own?! Don’t panic, being a mother, for…

  • Tools to Kickstart Your Fitness Goals

    YOUR GOALS Let me start by saying everyone’s fitness goals are different, they should be and that is ok. Some people simply want to feel healthy, others want more muscle tone, some want to lose weight or inches. No matter your…

  • 5 Tips For Grocery Shopping With Kids

    Grocery Shopping With Kids This is a topic that all moms can share in. Grocery shopping with kids, if not handled correctly, can be a disaster! Am I right mamas!? However, with that said, grocery shopping with my kids has…

  • Traveling With Kids – Tips for Survival

    Our Vacation So I have kind of been off the grid for the last two weeks…and that’s ok. Sometimes in life, we all need to unplug from time-to-time. We have been blessed enough to spend the last two weeks traveling,…

  • 5 Tips to Get Your Kids Out the Door!

    It’s no secret, getting out the door in the morning or any time of day for that matter can be quite a challenge now that you have a child. To make it even more challenging, the more children you add,…

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