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  • A Daily Fitness Routine for Busy Moms

    Making Time for Self-Care With Mother’s Day coming up soon…I wanted to focus my fitness routines around moms too…Let’s face it, as a mom, we tend to put everything and everyone else first. I’m here to remind you to make…

  • Wearing Activewear for a job? Yes Please!

    Getting to wear and share Activewear daily is basically a dream job, especially that I can do it from anywhere, all while living my life with my family! Read some of the many benefits below… Benefits of being a Zyia…

  • January Outfit of the Day – Daily Deal

    So it’s January, you’ve started all your New Year’s Resolutions to get healthy & fit, but you have nothing to wear to the GYM. Sound familiar? I’ve decided to offer a Daily Deal, the ENTIRE MONTH of January. HOW DOES…

  • Fitness Friday: Best Ways to Boost Your Energy Levels

    FEELING SLUGGISH? Ever wake up in the morning feeling sluggish or not motivated to get your workout in? Raise your hand, I know we’ve all been there. Most of the time there are two main causes for feeling this way;…

  • FITNESS FRIDAY: Finding Motivation

    Fitness Friday Yay! It is Friday and that means its a day to focus on Fitness. It is a day I like to regroup, reflect on the past week so I can learn and grow within my own fitness journey.…

  • FITNESS FRIDAY: Ab & Core Workout

    FITNESS FRIDAY Hi all, its that time again, yes it is Fitness Friday. Today’s topic hits home with so many of us women and moms. After having a baby or simply as we women get older, our core seems to…

  • Never Miss A Monday

    Monday Vibes So let’s be honest, Mondays are not always amazing. Most of us are exhausted from trying to fit too much into the weekend and then, of course, we try to get everything done on the first day of…

  • My Go-To Fitness Products

    It’s no secret, I LOVE EVERYTHING ABOUT FITNESS! Just because I love fitness, doesn’t mean I spend a million dollars on equipment and products, nor should I need to. Today I am going to share with you my go-to fitness…

  • Fierce Leg & Booty Workout

    Ok ladies, today I have a fierce leg & booty workout for you. It can be done in 40 minutes or less and more importantly done from anywhere you are so no excuses! If you don’t have weights, bring along…

  • FITNESS FRIDAY: 15-Minute Cardio Workout

    WHAT IS FITNESS FRIDAY? You may be wondering, what is Fitness Friday? For me, Friday’s can be one of the hardest days to workout, with the exception of Monday. It just seems like I have a million things to do…

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