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Get Rid of Holiday Bloat

Feeling the Bloat?

We all know the feeling after the Holidays…swollen, bloated, tired and even lethargic. Well, this is because we are what we eat. We all tend to indulge a little too much during the holidays; too much candy, too many sweets and too many salty snack foods. I did fairly well this year, but still, my body isn’t used to the foods I consumed. So, how do you get rid of the awful bloated feeling? Let me tell you…
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Cleanse Your Body

Water with Lemon – my favorite way to cleanse my body is to drink warm water with lemon, first thing in the morning. This is actually something I do regularly, not just after the holidays. It has so many benefits; it cleanses your liver, revs up your metabolism and helps fight cravings throughout the day.
Workout – working out is such a great way to get your body feeling healthy again and a great way to boost your mood which can sometimes be low after the holidays. Yoga and gentle stretching in the morning is also a fabulous way to get moving gradually each day.
Eat with Intention – so if you are reading this, then you probably didn’t eat with intention during the holidays and are in need of a detox. That’s ok, learn from your mistakes and move on. Focus on moving forward and for the next holiday that comes up, you’ll do better. Eat when you are hungry, not when food is out. Eat foods your body is accustom to, not salty snacks or foods that are high in preservatives. Of course, if you limit dairy or gluten, stay away from that as well. Plan your snacks and meals ahead, this is the easiest way to truly eat with intention.
Sauna – take a trip to your local gym to sit in the sauna, infrared sauna if possible. This allows your body to sweat at a lower temperature. It will pull out your bodies toxins and exfoliate your skin. Of course, doing a high-intensity workout that allows your body to really sweat will have similar results.
Essential Oils – The soothing smell of peppermint oil and the combination of lemongrass, geranium, and frankincense will get rid of your inflammation in no time.
Fiber – getting your body’s digestive systemback on track can’t be done without fiber. Stick to plant-based foods that are rich in fiber. Your digestive system will be back to normal in no time.
There are many 3, 4 and 7 day cleanses you can do as well in addition to these suggestions above from Beachbody, GNC, Health Magazine and so many more. I personally find them too hard to stick to with our lifestyle. I’d prefer to just get back on track and do these things daily for a healthy lifestyle instead of a quick fix. Good luck getting back on track…cheers to a healthier you!
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