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6 Fitness Tips for a Healthy Life in 2021

2020 was the year of all years! Am I right?!??! I think it was a year of learning and growth for so many as well. I know for me personally, it was a year of learning what is truly important in my life! It taught me patience, to slow down & be grateful for all things!

However, with that said, it also was a year of many challenges with my overall health & fitness. My foot injury continued to be a pain point, which lead me to doing much less activity than I should have. It also led me to being less healthy in general; too many happy hours & pizza nights.


There comes a time when we have to decide to take care of ourselves, and practice some self-care! Today I want to share with you some simple tips to live a more fit life in 2021! As always, consult with your doctor before changing your diet or adding different exercises to your daily life.


Make the commitment to yourself, get your mind right, and decide that you are worth it! Saying you are going to try is not a commitment. Deciding you are worth it and putting a plan in place to reach your goals is indeed a commitment to yourself! Some tips to get your mind managed and focused are as follows:

  1. Grab a journal, write in it daily.
  2. Write positive affirmations.
  3. Get an accountability partner, someone who will be supportive & uplifting, not who will tear you a part when you have an off day.
  4. Listen to podcasts or find a good book to read.
  5. Start slow. All or nothing mentality will set you up for failure.


Get Moving Daily – you can’t expect change without movement. That goes with anything in life. The movement doesn’t need to be a formal exercise. It could be walking your dog, sledding with your kids, a casual bike-ride, etc. The options are endless. Of course, by all means, if you want to hit the weights, take a ride on your Peloton or go to the gym, go for it. If you have a desk job, set a time to stand up and walk around every hour, or do squats while you work.

Drink More Water – as we all know, our body is made up of 70% water. There are so many health benefits to drinking enough daily. Water is known to help with your energy levels, keeping a clear complexion, helping with your digestion, keeping you at a consistent weight or even helping with weight loss, there are too many benefits to not do it!

Drinking water during the colder months is always something I have struggled with I’m like a toddler, I have to have a fun cup in order to get it down. So, by all means, if that helps you, invest in a fun cup!

Eat Enough Food – Yes, you read that right. Eat enough food. If your body thinks it’s starving, it will begin to go into fight/flight mode and start storing fat. This is where most people end up hanging onto stubborn belly fat. Not only do you need to eat enough food, but you also need to eat the right foods to fuel your body for your daily activities. I personally love tracking my MACROS. When I hit my MACROS daily, or at least close to them, I feel my best. To find out more about MACRO counting or what yours should look like, go to an article I found at Women’s Health Magazine online. CLICK HERE after you are doing reading the rest of this one.

Mind Your Food Sensitivities – For example, I have been lactose intolerant my entire life. There are times when I am less sensitive, and times when I am more sensitive, the commend denominator is the same. DAIRY IS USUALLY NOT GOOD FOR ME TO HAVE. PERIOD. Is that soy for you, or is that red meat, or gluten, many of us have something. Learn what foods give you adverse effects, and avoid them if at all possible.

Be Kind to Yourself – It is never ok to punish yourself for eating badly, or skipping a workout. That kind of goes along with the mindset portion. Be ok with being a work in progress, know it’s ok to have fries with your dinner, just skip the dessert. Know that it is ok to enjoy an adult beverage, just not every day. One of the reasons I love counting macros so much is that as long as you account for it, it still works.

In addition, take time for you at least once each week, if not daily. This could be a simple as meditating every morning, or reading a book before bed. Just know that part of a fit life is also having a fit mind.

Get Enough Sleep – Oh my goodness. This is one I have been terrible at this year and truthfully, ever since kids, but not for the reason you may think. It is not because my kid is in bed with me, or waking me at all hours of the night & morning. Nope, it is because I simply stay up too late, and I always regret it in the morning. You know how it is, you pull up a good show on NETFLIX, and well, the rest is history. I do this because I crave my alone time, but seriously, staying up till midnight or 1:00 am when I have to be up at 6:00 am is super dumb! Sleep is so important, it is when your body heels, it is when your body recovers & resets itself to be able to work hard for you every day! Give it the rest it needs!


I’d love to help you with your health & wellness goals this year! Send me a message, and share them with me, or simply comment here under this post! Let’s support one another in our goals this year!

Also, don’t forget to join my VIP Facebook Page & Join my January Movement Challenge. I’ll be giving $100 in ZYIA, don’t miss out.

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