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Reasons Why Vitamin D is Important for Women.

Did you know that women who have low levels of Vitamin D are at a greater risk of a heart attack, heart failure, stroke diabetes or even higher blood pressure later in life? In Pregnant women, vitamin D levels are also linked to risk factures like pre-eclampsia, gestational diabetes or even other major complications. Vitamin D is necessary for strong bones and muscles as well. Without Vitamin D, our bodies will not effectively absorb calcium, which is obviously an essential party of having good bone health. In addition to women, children who lack Vitamin D can develop a condition condition called rickets that causes bone weakness, and other skeletal deformities. It is nothing to mess around with.

No matter what age you are or what life-stage you are in, getting enough Vitamin D is important.


Some natural ways to get an adequate amount of Vitamin D are to spend time outdoors in the sunlight, 15 minutes a day is adequate, more is fine as long as you are protecting yourself from over exposure of the sun. Exercising while outdoors is the best way for your body to absorb the Vitamin D since obesity is linked to having lower levels of Vitamin D. Foods like fatty fish (tuna or salmon) and lower fat dairy are also great ways.


People with darker skin pigmentation tend to have lower levels, as do people who use too much sunscreen, don’t spend enough time outdoors, or are overweight or obese. Why you may wonder? Simply put, it is because vitamin D is fat soluble, and gets trapped in fatty tissue, in turn, isn’t able to be used by the body as it should be. Gastrointestinal surgery can also make it difficult to absorb vitamin D. And as get older, we slowly stop being able to produce Vitamin D as well, and that is where supplements become important.


Most women already take a women’s multi-vitamin which contain Vitamin D, but if you are feeling you may need more than that. Please consult with your Doctor. They will be able to recommend the best option for you.


You may be wondering why my sudden urge to write about Vitamin D… I have always had issue absorbing Calcium & Iron into my body, and only recently learned the link between that and Vitamin D. As you know, in the winter, it is harder to get Sunlight every day due to being indoors more. At least for us here in Northern Michigan it is a real thing because it is so cold! I mean today it was only 3 degrees and -5 if you add in wind-chill! Brr. I don’t know about you, but when it feels like -5 out, I don’t feel like being outside!

Because of this, I am sure to take my Multi-Vitamin with extra Vitamin D, and get outside on the warmer days. What things have you found to work for you?


Be sure to comment below if you have any questions or comments regarding to this blog post. Hope you enjoyed. Have a blessed day!

Sources: Women’s Health, Hopkins Medicine & Mayo Clinic.

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