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  • FITNESS FRIDAY: Ab & Core Workout

    FITNESS FRIDAY Hi all, its that time again, yes it is Fitness Friday. Today’s topic hits home with so many of us women and moms. After having a baby or simply as we women get older, our core seems to…

  • 20-Minute Ab & Booty Workout You Can Do Anywhere

    My Two Favorite Body Parts to Train It’s no secret, I love to train my abs and booty. For me, those seem to be areas that make me feel the best when I train and feeling my best is really…

  • 6 Common Carbs To Uncover Your Abs

    CARBS There is a common misunderstanding that all carbs are bad for you. Well, I am here to tell you that isn’t true and in fact, there are some carbs that can promote the reduction of belly fat. So, who…

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