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  • FITNESS FRIDAY: Ab & Core Workout

    FITNESS FRIDAY Hi all, its that time again, yes it is Fitness Friday. Today’s topic hits home with so many of us women and moms. After having a baby or simply as we women get older, our core seems to…

  • Fierce Leg & Booty Workout

    Ok ladies, today I have a fierce leg & booty workout for you. It can be done in 40 minutes or less and more importantly done from anywhere you are so no excuses! If you don’t have weights, bring along…

  • FITNESS FRIDAY: 15-Minute Cardio Workout

    WHAT IS FITNESS FRIDAY? You may be wondering, what is Fitness Friday? For me, Friday’s can be one of the hardest days to workout, with the exception of Monday. It just seems like I have a million things to do…

  • Tools to Kickstart Your Fitness Goals

    YOUR GOALS Let me start by saying everyone’s fitness goals are different, they should be and that is ok. Some people simply want to feel healthy, others want more muscle tone, some want to lose weight or inches. No matter your…

  • 20-Minute Ab & Booty Workout You Can Do Anywhere

    My Two Favorite Body Parts to Train It’s no secret, I love to train my abs and booty. For me, those seem to be areas that make me feel the best when I train and feeling my best is really…


    FITNESS IS MORE THAN EXERCISING If I’ve learned one thing from my own fitness journey, it would be that there is more to fitness than just working out hard every day. Your body also needs to be fueled properly so…

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