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  • FITNESS FRIDAY: Staying Fit While Pregnant

    No, I am not pregnant so let’s hope this post doesn’t start the rumor mill going. Though I am not pregnant, I very much believed in fitness while I was pregnant both times. I believe keeping active and fit during…

  • Tools to Kickstart Your Fitness Goals

    YOUR GOALS Let me start by saying everyone’s fitness goals are different, they should be and that is ok. Some people simply want to feel healthy, others want more muscle tone, some want to lose weight or inches. No matter your…

  • 20-Minute Ab & Booty Workout You Can Do Anywhere

    My Two Favorite Body Parts to Train It’s no secret, I love to train my abs and booty. For me, those seem to be areas that make me feel the best when I train and feeling my best is really…

  • 6 Common Carbs To Uncover Your Abs

    CARBS There is a common misunderstanding that all carbs are bad for you. Well, I am here to tell you that isn’t true and in fact, there are some carbs that can promote the reduction of belly fat. So, who…


    FITNESS IS MORE THAN EXERCISING If I’ve learned one thing from my own fitness journey, it would be that there is more to fitness than just working out hard every day. Your body also needs to be fueled properly so…


    Intermittent Fasting You may have started to hear the buzz about Intermittent Fasting over the past year or so, so what is it exactly? First of all let me be clear, Intermittent Fasting is not a diet. Simply put, it…

  • THE JOURNEY: Mom Wife Fitness Life

    Why Mom Wife Fitness Life? Today I wanted to talk briefly about what this platform is for and what it means to me. Mom Wife Fitness Life was created late 2017 and has just started to take off. I created…

  • MARCH MADNESS: 30 Day Fitness Challenge

    Fitness  If you are reading this post, it is because you have a love for fitness, are wanting to make a change or are looking for a challenge. No matter your reason, I am here to help. Not all people…

  • Weekly Food Prep 101

    Make Life Easier Whether you work out of the home, are a stay-at-home mom or do a little of both, I’m sure it is safe to say your life is still crazy busy being a mom and wife. Make life…

  • How I Got Out of My "Mom" Jeans

    Being a Mom is A Blessing There is no greater miracle in life than having a baby! I love being a mom and everything that comes with it, even the unwanted weight, unwanted blemishes, scars, etc. With that said, I…

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